From the Sea

From the Sea

Fish provides essential nourishment; it is suitable for all ages, and makes a vital contribution to our health. The importance of fish in providing easily digested protein of high biological value is well documented. Fish also contains all the eight essential amino acids, as well as omega 3, necessary for proper growth of children and associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. In general good health, 4 portions per week should be fine.

Garoa makes it easier for you thanks to the extensive species assortment, all versatile for cooking. Quality of our products is continually corroborated. To ensure quality, safety and freshness we have implemented control systems that guide our fish along every step of its journey, so that you can enjoy the sea at your table. We adjust formats and presentations to suit your needs best: 500 g, 5 kg, 50 kg or 5 Tm. Let us know your requirements, we are able to adapt.

Of interest

Managing the cold chain is crucial to preserve quality and safety, as well as proper thawing.

For defrosting fish we recommend to carry it out in the fridge (from 6 to 24 hours before cooking, depending on quantity).

Quicker methods as using the microwave or submerging in water may harm its flavor, appearance or nutritional values.